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Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Month

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Month

Random Acts of Kindness Month


February is the month of love, and what better way to show it than with random acts of kindness? These are unexpected, sweet gestures that spread the love throughout your family, friend group, and community. Here are a few ways to participate:


Cook or Bake for a Neighbor

If you fancy yourself a bit of a chef (or even just a wannabe cook), put your love of meal prep to good use by crafting a dish especially for a favorite neighbor. Food is always a welcome treat! Go with something that’s easy to reheat, like a casserole or stew, or a delectable dessert, like cookies or cupcakes.


Volunteer at a Non-Profit

Fill up your heart and make a real difference by volunteering your services to a local non-profit. Contact your city’s animal shelter or food bank and see what they need most right now. One thing is for certain – they can always use a helping hand.


Offer to Walk Your Friend's Dog While They Relax

The past year has been a stressful one, and we’re all playing catch up. Offer a buddy an hour of their time back by taking their pooch on his daily walk. They get some “me time” and you get to bond with a cute puppers. Win-win!


Make Your Amazon Purchases Count with AmazonSmile

Did you know Amazon is partnered with a variety of charities via AmazonSmile? You can choose to shop for these charity’s much-needed items via their Charity Lists, found HERE. Also, make sure to select your favorite charity so that .5% of all your eligible purchases are donated automatically. Happy shopping!


Send Long-Distance Friends an Unexpected Postcard in the Mail

In the days of social media and text messages, receiving some snail mail is a delightful treat. Plus, it helps support our postal system. Pick out a book of postcards full of funny cartoons or perhaps elegant photographs from around the world. Send them out without notice and give your friends a little surprise.


Feeling inspired? We know we are! Whatever you choose to do for Random Acts of Kindness Month, as long as it’s from the heart, we’re sure it’ll be stellar. Have some extra creative ways to show you care? Share with us in the comments or on social media! Much love, from us to you.

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